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School Art Show Organization

Rolling art display sets up in seconds
Accordion walls used to display student artwork
Artwork is displayed on portable partitions in a school

The Location

Spencer Loomis Elementary School

The Challenge

Looking for a way to display student's work in the open cafetorium space

The Solution

As parents, we love to go visit our kids’ schools to view their projects, meet their teachers and friends, and share in their excitement of their school.  Also, the school is excited to share with you the talents and gifts of the students with guests.  Displaying student artwork and classwork requires some strategic planning for a school art show.  It is important to allow families to view the artwork in a comfortable space.  Hallways can get crowded as visitors are viewing displays, talking, and simply trying to locate the appropriate classroom to visit.  When schools are able to move their display systems to open spaces, it creates an ideal traffic pattern for visitors.  Here, a local elementary school shares an open cafetorium with the middle school.  This is an ideal location to place Screenflex portable partitions to encourage visitors to view the artwork in the open space.  You may wish to arrange tables to sell spirit wear, raffle tickets, lunch tickets, or share other school information in this open space as well.

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