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Create Instant Art Display Space

Tackable walls are used to display student artwork in a gymnasium with a wood floor


Some schools are fortunate to have ample room to meet their needs, but even so, they might have overlooked a common need, and that is having areas set aside for displaying student work.  Whether it be in the art department or English department, portable room dividers are ideal for fulfilling this function. Portable room dividers not only divide space, they act as art display surfaces as well.

In addition to dividing space, these temporary walls are perfect for use as art displays, or as a communication board for posting information for students, staff or parents, or as a way to handle the crowds at registration or parent night events.

A framed art piece hangs on a metal artwork hanger that hooks over a blue fabric sound absorbing wall

Art Display Hanger

Constructed from a corrugated honeycomb core, Screenflex Room Dividers are then bonded with two layers of fiberglass mat, then covered in non-woven fabric.  This construction allows the entire surface to be capable of accepting tacks, pins or staples. To create a stylish vertical art display add an optional artwork hanger. Our unique end frame design lowers the unit’s center of gravity, which gives it greater stability, and allows for more visibility when moving or positioning the unit.

We received excellent feedback from a high school teacher in California who recently received their Screenflex Room Divider:

“Frankly, I am ecstatic to finally have such a user-friendly display system. We, of the art department, have wished for something like this for many years. And now, we can mount our own shows when and where we want. This is a nicely designed product.”

If you’d like to find out more about Screenflex products or receive pricing, contact us at 800-553-0110, by email at [email protected].  We’d be happy to answer your questions or give you a quote.

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