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Sumner High School Food Bank Collection

Market: Education

Sumner High School Food Bank Collection

The faculty, staff, and students of the Sumner High School were elated with the over 30,000 items collected for the local food bank. Sumner High School Staff member Scott Thompson was in charge of organizing the troops for packaging the supplies.  Scott was able to post the packing directions on the Screenflex Room Dividers arranged throughout the room for everyone to view throughout the process.  This made the process run smoothly since everyone was informed of the directions.  The dividers also clearly designated stations needed for boxing and labeling the supplies.  At the end of the day, the process was a success and the food bank received much-needed supplies and food.

Sumner High School Food Pantry DistributionPallet Pack Two - 5Sumner High School Organizes Food BankPallet Pack Two - 3


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