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Utilizing Church Partitions in Your Congregation


Pastor Engler describes how using church partitions at Vineyard Church help meet the needs of his congregation while saving money and time.

Transcript-Pastor of Vineyard Church, Crystal Lake, Illinois-Utilizing Church Partitions in Your Congregation

Hi.  My name’s Tim Engler.  I’m the pastor here at Crystal Lake Vineyard Church.

When we were looking at the possibility of getting Screenflex walls we had three key objectives we wanted to meet.  One was to partially block, but not eliminate, the natural sunlight that comes in from our beautiful windows back here.  The second was to create a more intimate space out of a larger area and third was to create a traffic flow around our area.

These walls have more than met all three of those objectives.  The natural light still comes in.  We created a beautiful space here and it really does help us to create the traffic flow.

The way we’ve used them here it really also saved us a lot of money versus trying to build more permanent walls.  So we couldn’t be happier with our Screenflex walls and the way they’ve worked out for us.

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