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Why Room Partitions For VBS Are A Must

Market: Religious

VBS Room PartitionsRoom partitions are a staple in most churches and schools. With summer rapidly approaching, vacation bible school is just what parents have ordered to keep kids busy this summer. Room partitions can accommodate the extra 200 plus kids in your church who are eager to enjoy gathering with friends and having fun while they learn about God’s love.

In case you want to add a few extra classrooms during the week of VBS to accommodate all the kids. Room Partitions are temporary and portable and set up in just seconds creating 1, 2 or 10 rooms if you need them. Partitions can be closed in an instant if your room is needed for other activities.  You can set up dividers and close them anytime though out the day. They are just that flexible!

How room dividers help with traffic flow

The first 30 minutes of the first day of VBS is typically a little chaotic. During registration and check-in, kids come in droves, and everyone seems to be a little confused with where to go. Low dividers work nicely to keep lines organized, so kids and parents know where to go once they enter the building. Dividers can offer a nice path for guests. On a larger scale,  room dividers create a similar action of crowd control at Boomers Stadium in Illinois.

Room partitions for VBS create multiple Classrooms

Screenflex Room Divider used for VBS backdrop


VBS originated recently in 1894 when a Sunday school teacher felt that children didn’t have enough time to learn about God during the regular school year.  She started a daily Bible school during the summer.  The first Bible school lasted four weeks and taught 40 students. Kids learn Bible stories, memorize verses, do arts and crafts, skits, and other fun activities indoor and out.

I’ve seen children’s artwork displayed on dividers so when parents come on the last day, they can see some of the special art projects the kids made. Panels accept push pins, staples, and velcro making the partitions a great bulletin board as well.

Thoughts of summer and summer activities are racing through our thoughts as our kids wind down the year in less than six weeks. What do you have planned for your kids this summer to keep them active all summer long?

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